ESX File

Category: Data Files

What is an ESX file?

ESX files were developed by Xactimate Insurance Claims file. Thus, Xactimate Insurance software uses the file to save some essential information. Some of the information includes policies on matters insurance and other critical information on estimates like policy details and damages. ESX files are a mainstay in the insurance sector. The file solves a myriad of problems in the insurance sector. For example, when the policyholders claim stakes, the software with the corresponding ESX file forms the reference. The files contain the data that will dictate whether the assertions by the policyholders are valid. Other applications can be used to view these files but the main application is Xactware solutions Xactimate. ESX files are zip compressed files. It means that they are compact and occupy less space. This is advantageous when you need to transfer and share with other users. Yet, they need unique software to open and access them, which makes them complicated.

How to Open ESX Files

Xactware Xactimate

How to Make ESX Files

Below are some software programs that can open ESX files. Download one to open your file now.