CV File

Category: Data Files

What is a CV file?

If you are clueless about CV files, they were created by CodeView, which explains the abbreviation. This was in the year 1985 by a person called David Norris. CodeView is a utility used a standalone debugger that comes as a package with Microsoft C 4.0 and above. A CV file keeps debugging details like frame pointer omission (FPO) records, line numbers ) in the C/C++ source files) and variables (both local, global, and static). In short, it checks issues in software. Generally, CodeView was a fullscreen software and not command-line oriented. It entailed several windows (watch window, code window, data window, assembly window, locals window, and command window) that were viewable at the same time. You can, therefore, move, size, tile editable windows using a mouse or keyboard on CodeView 4.0. Additionally, users could manipulate the application. It has a command window for loading and also a debugged code for window code in setting source codes.

How to Open CV Files

Microsoft CodeView

How to Make CV Files

Below are some software programs that can open CV files. Download one to open your file now.