Category: Data Files

What is a NOTEBOOK file?

You probably have a rough idea of what a NOTEBOOK file is from its name. These are files with a notebook created using the SMART Notebook application. They are commonly used in schools to develop volatile lecture materials. You can use them to save images, videos, audios as well as diagrams. NOTEBOOK files are sharable and can also be stored online for easy access by students and teachers. NOTEBOOK is an advanced version of .XBK files. They are considered superior, especially in terms of interoperability. They are compatible with Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, and Linux platforms. Should your NOTEBOOK file be corrupt, you can fix it using the command option. Simply launch ‘cmd’ by searching for it on the start menu. Type ‘chkdsk c: /r” and click enter to start the process. When asked to confirm, click ‘yes’ or ‘y,’ and you are done. You will be required to restart your computer for this to work.

How to Open NOTEBOOK Files

SMART Technologies Notebook


SMART Technologies Notebook


SMART Technologies Notebook


How to Make NOTEBOOK Files

Below are some software programs that can open NOTEBOOK files. Download one to open your file now.