TRC File

Category: Database Files

What is a TRC file?

TRC stands for TRaCe. These files are database files. The main reason these files exists is that they are needed in SQL development programs. An example of an SQL program that utilizes these files is the SQL Server Profiler. The file is usually included by an SQL server software during the formulation of databases. One function that these files play is in analyzing database information. The files contain trace elements of the database in question. Thus, they can offer useful information during the analysis of databases. One area that is usually studied by these files is the sequence of databases. The general trends of the databases offered by the sequence must undergo analysis. An advantage these files have is that they promote file organization during storage. TRC files are usually saved in the database directory by default. When the study of the database is needed, then these files come into play. The database directory contains all the data on these files.

How to Open TRC Files

Microsoft SQL Server Profiler

How to Make TRC Files

Below are some software programs that can open TRC files. Download one to open your file now.