Category: Web Files

What is an OPML file?

Developed by The Omni Group, the OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) extension refers to an outline document for outlines. It was initially introduced by UserLand for its RadioLand software as a native format. It is an XML-based file type most commonly used for outlining and defines it as a hierarchical, ordered list of arbitrary elements.
Even though the OPML extension has been useful for multiple purposes, the most frequent usage is its ability to act as a medium to exchange subscription lists between file readers, aggregators, and others capable of reading RSS files.

How to Open OPML Files

CS Odessa ConceptDraw MINDMAP

OPML Editor


The Omni Group OmniOutliner

CS Odessa ConceptDraw MINDMAP

OPML Editor


How to Make OPML Files

Below are some software programs that can open OPML files. Download one to open your file now.