Category: Web Files

What is a LESS file?

Less stands for Leaner Style Sheets it’s a dynamic style sheet language file of web pages. This backward-compatible language is an extension of the CSS file. CSS is used to format the layout of web pages. The file extends CSS standards with features such as variables, mixing, functions, and operations. With Less files, users can process the style they want for their web pages. Only the styles present in the file can be applied to the pages. To process the styles in the file, users should include the LESS JavaScript library (LESSJS) on the web page. The script can be added to the head section of the HTML page. Less is almost the same as CSS; there are only a few convenient additions that the file has made to the CSS language. The main difference between Less and other CSS precompiles is that it allows real-time compilation via the Java SC.

How to Open LESS Files


Adobe Dreamweaver



Adobe Dreamweaver


How to Make LESS Files

Below are some software programs that can open LESS files. Download one to open your file now.