File Format



Developed by UWI, the XFDL extension refers to an Extensible Forms Description Language file. The format is an XML-based web file created to standardize the way people looked at business forms. These are legally-binding and interchangeable, adapted from the UDFL format with added XML capabilities, and mostly used in e-Commerce and business transactions. It stores […]

RSS File

Rich Site Summary (RSS) is a file saved in an XML-based syndication format. It helps website authors maintain their website list of notification in a standard way. Many websites can use the file to distribute information that is updated via RSS in a text format. It provides information about contents that are frequently updated on […]

P7B File

P7b files are security files that store secure certificates used to detect if a person or device is authentic or not. It shows whether the webserver or the computer used is genuine. The file is similar to the CRE file, but it uses a different formatting method. A P7b file is comprised of both contains […]


Less stands for Leaner Style Sheets it’s a dynamic style sheet language file of web pages. This backward-compatible language is an extension of the CSS file. CSS is used to format the layout of web pages. The file extends CSS standards with features such as variables, mixing, functions, and operations. With Less files, users can […]

IQY File

IQY files contain Urals and parameter necessary for making queries over the internet. It is also known as a connection file or web query file. The file allows an ASP web page to retrieve information then exports it to Microsoft excel. It can also be used to retrieve information from google analytics. The information retrieved […]

CER File

CER is a file extension used by web servers for security and identity verification of the site in question. The security is provided by a third-party certificate authority such as Verisign, global sign, or Thawte. An SSL encryption is the file certificate file format that secures the use of a site. A digital signature is […]


An MHTML refers to a MIME HTML file that stores the HTML of a webpage and its linked resources. These files can have images, audio, JavaScript applets, and CSS data saved by a web browser from a corresponding HTML file and encoded in MIME format. It is an archive web file format and stores binary […]


Developed by The Omni Group, the OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) extension refers to an outline document for outlines. It was initially introduced by UserLand for its RadioLand software as a native format. It is an XML-based file type most commonly used for outlining and defines it as a hierarchical, ordered list of arbitrary elements. […]


The SCSS extension refers to a sheet in Sassy CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) language. It is a pre-processor format, which means users get to access features that aren’t yet available to the regular CSS standard. It isn’t trying to replace CSS in any way. Instead, developers pack the SCSS content into CSS files and then […]

CFM File

A CFM file is a webpage that has the ColdFusion code also called CFML (ColdFusion markup language). Execution is done dynamically using a ColdFusion web server when a user accesses the webpage. CFM files are usually used on ColdFusion applications and on scripts written in CFScripts. They may also be able to reference database information, […]