CRV File

Category: CAD Files

What is a CRV file?

VCarve Pro created this CAD file. It is used for CNC routing, wood carving, engraving and signs making of VCarve Pro designs. It helps save vector design geometry, including toolpaths for putting the design together. You can also export it to a CNC router to cut the resulting design.
When you want to create a CRV file, you need to Vectric VCarve Pro. Download and install it from the Windows official website. Alternatively, you can directly download it from the official website. CRV files are usually exclusive to Vectric Vcarve Pro software. What that means is that you cannot use it on other platforms. It also means that you cannot convert them into other formats such as .TAP or .SVG easily. However, you can use the software to export .crv files into different formats such as DXF, PDF, EPS OR DRX SVG. Always ensure that the software is up-to-date because the latest CRV files do not work on older versions.

How to Open CRV Files

Vectric VCarve Pro

How to Make CRV Files

Below are some software programs that can open CRV files. Download one to open your file now.