SUO File

Category: Developer Files

What is a SUO file?

SUO means Solutions User Options files. From that, you can see that SUO contains information about individual users. The information is usually saved in a binary format. It is because binary formats are usually easy to upgrade and access as a developer file. Usually, SUO files are referenced by VSPackages which is one of the creations of Visual Studios. For access, LoadUser Options is the main solution for viewing the file. However, you need a different application to modify and edit the same file. In that case, use WriteUser and SaveUser options. SUO files are tied to each unique machine. As such, there is no need to store them as version controls like Subversion or Git. Also, they are used only on Visual Studio. Each time an associated visual studio accesses the file, changes are made. That is the main reason why they are saved in binary format.

How to Open SUO Files

Microsoft Visual Studio

How to Make SUO Files

Below are some software programs that can open SUO files. Download one to open your file now.